Lusail Museum: Tales of a Connected World

Where East and West meet

Orientalist art is an accomplishment of the highest aesthetic standards. Yet some of its representations of the East blurs the line between fantasy and reality. To discern what is fiction versus authentic requires detective work. But “Tales of a Connected World” offers visitors an enlightened perspective of the world. Its goal is to help us understand who we are, where we come from and where we are going. 

We carried out the technical development, project management and museographic implementation of the exhibition which covers 2,800 m2. The exhibition represents one of the most important collections of Orientalist paintings in the world. And to enrich the story of cultural connectivity, other items such as costumes, books, photographics and wares were used. We implemented 60 audiovisual and interactive exhibits to breathe new life into past items. 

They all play a part in telling a story of intriguing socio-political dynamics. They narrate curious encounters between different civilizations whose heirs continue to exchange ideas to this day. Bridging communities is what we do best.